Orthoclase Feldspar Crystals

Materials: Orthoclase Feldspar Crystals
GPS: 44.40041, -117.30682
When using GPS coordinates to navigate to locations in the backcountry sites like Google will often make mistakes. Please watch this video before venturing out. https://youtu.be/hQr1l7dnCE4
Tools: 1/4″ screen and a hand trowel.
Vehicle: Any
Date Visited: May 2021
Additional comments: I think this is a fun location but overall it’s not really a destination spot.
Any Location Updates Since Visit:

Cleaning: The process of cleaning these is pretty straight forward since many of them have a thin deposit of calcium on them that some CLR can remove with ease. I used a 50/50 mix of CLR and tap water. It does take a little bit longer to clean doing so but a soak overnight got all of mine good and clean.

Eight examples mounted and labeled for the future.

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